Register an account in Onboard

Onboard is a Quality Assurance and fleet management system set up by airports for their stakeholders. Companies who need to complete an  Airport Application to be able to operate at an airport will first need to register their initial company details.

Please note that these are not transferable between systems for both the Passport article and Onboard.


Registering an account
Login to Onboard
Create a new company in Onboard
Request to become an administrator for an existing company

Registering an account in Onboard

This section will guide you through how to register an account.


Firstly, navigate to your airport's AIRDAT Onboard system. To do this, go to, click on the airport that you are with and then select 'Login'

From here, search for your airport and select 'Choose'

Next, select 'Launch' under Onboard.


Next, you should scroll down and select 'Register'.


Next, you will be asked to fill in some contact details and you should then select 'Register for an account'.


A link will be sent to your email to activate your account. Please Note: you will not be able to log in to your account unless you have clicked this activation link.


When you click the activation link, you will be directed to select your company. You have two options: 'Create a new company in Onboard' and 'Request to become an administrator for an existing company''. More details on these can also be found further down the article in Section 3 and 4.

Login to Onboard

This section will guide you through how to login to Onboard.


Once you are registered, you should navigate to and then select 'login' in the top right hand corner.


Next. select your airport by either typing into the 'search an airport' box or scroll down and select 'choose' underneath your airport.


Next, scroll to 'Onboard' and select 'Launch'.


You should now enter your email address, password and then select 'Login'.


Finally once you have logged in, you will now see your dashboard.

Create a new company in Onboard

This section will guide you through how to create a new company.


After completing the initial registration steps above, to create a new company click the link Click to add:...


You will then be required to enter information about the company, including, business type, company registration number, invoicing details and manager contact details. Once this has been completed, your company will be registered in AIRDAT.


Finally, you should then select 'Complete setup'.

Request to become an administrator for an existing company

This section will guide you through how to request to become an administrator for an existing company.


After completing the initial registration steps above, search for your company by entering a minimum of 3  letters or characters of your company name.


Select your company name, you will be advised who currently manages this company.


Click Request and this person will be sent an email with your access request

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