LGW - Airside Safety Awareness e-learning
To access e-learning such as the LGW - Airside Safety Awareness course, the employee who requires the training must log into their Passport profile with their own, unique airport ID or (AIRDAT number) and password.
Once logged in, there are several ways to access the course:
1. via the ‘Train me’ link in the employee dashboard.
2. via the ‘Training’ button in the vertical toolbar on the left of the screen.
3. via the ‘Existing Enrolment’ link in the employee dashboard - applicable to candidates who have already been enrolled on the e-learning course, most likely by their Company Administrator (see further below).
Option 1: access e-learning via the ‘Train me’ link from the main Dashboard
From your Dashboard select the ‘Train me’ link to open the ‘Training enrolment’ page.
Search for the course name in the 'Training enrolment' page, or choose the course from the list of most recently performed course searches (if applicable).
When the relevant course appears, select ‘Choose course’. Then, check the booking details and select 'Confirm booking' when ready.
The course 'Launch' button will appear for the candidate to proceed with their online training.
Option 2: access e-learning via the ‘Training’ button in the toolbar
Once logged in the candidate should select the 'Dashboard' button in the vertical toolbar on the left of the screen, and then click the ‘Training’ button.
Then select the toolbar’s ‘Booking’ button.
Follow any on-screen prompts to search for the course name in the 'Training enrolment' page, or choose the course from the most recently performed searches (if applicable). When the relevant course appears, select ‘Choose course’.
Once the course has been selected, check the booking details and select 'Confirm booking' when ready.
The course 'Launch' button will appear for the candidate to proceed with their online training.
Option 3: access e-learning via the ‘Existing Enrolment(s)’ link
This option is for employees who have been enrolled on an AIRDAT e-learning course by their Company Administrator.
Employees who have already been enrolled will be notified by email. The candidate should then visit www.airdat.org to log into Passport with their own unique airport ID (or AIRDAT ID) and password to complete their online training.
Once logged in, the employee will find a shortcut link to the course they’ve been enrolled on in the ‘Existing Enrolments’ area of their dashboard.
The employee should click ‘View’ to see further course details, and when the web page refreshes, select ‘Launch’ to start the course.