How to link an AIRDAT Passport account with Flightpath (Perth)

For Perth Airport users, when you register in Passport for the first time, you will see the below screen.

If you currently have an existing FlightPath account, please enter your FlightPath 'User ID' into the 'Username' box at the linking screen. Your Flightpath 'User ID' is normally your CH number without the letters, therefore CH12345 would be 'User ID' 12345. Enter these numbers in the 'Username' box then select 'Link current account'. 

If you're not sure if you have a FlightPath account, don’t know your CH number, or have tried but you get an error when linking, please email and ask them to provide your FlightPath 'User ID'. You should also ask them to check your FlightPath email address as this is the address the link confirmation email is sent to.

If you do not currently have an existing Flightpath account, please click on 'Create new account'. An email will then be sent to you from FlightPath, to set your password. Your FlightPath username will be the same as your AIRDAT Passport username.
*Please note* If you change your AIRPORT ID your Flightpath username will not change.
To complete the linking an email will then be sent to you to activate the Flightpath link.

Click the link in the email to activate your Flightpath account.

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