How to book training on the Visa App

This article will show you the process of how to book training using the Visa App

How to book training on the Visa App


Firstly login to your account on the VISA App. In the menu at the bottom of the screen, select  'Train Me'.


The 'Train Me' area displays all the courses available for you. Select the course you would like to book on to. You can narrow your search by clicking the 'search' tab in the top right-hand corner and then start typing into the space provided.


Now select 'Enrol on course'


If the course requires payment, you will now find details of how to pay.

Once you have chosen either 'credits' or 'card', select 'payment details'.

Then agree to the terms and conditions and select 'next'.


You then need to check the booking details and then select 'confirm booking'.


Your course will then be successfully added and you can select either 'Launch' if you wish to do it straight away' or select 'Back to profile' if you wish to do your training at a later date.


For in-person courses only, once the booking is confirmed you will get the option to add the booking to your calendar. Select the 'Add to calendar' button and proceed to add this to the calendar of your device.


An email with the course details are is sent to both yourself and your Company Administrator.

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