How to register on Passport

This article will explain how to register for the Passport system as a user and as a company.

How to register on Passport

There are three simple steps for a Candidate to register in AIRDAT Passport. 

    To find the Register button, visit the AIRDAT website and select the red Login button in the top-right corner of the screen.

    Choose the relevant airport and the Passport system.

    You will be taken to the login page. Select the 'Register' below the 'Login' button. 

Step 1 - Airport

The Airport ID is an identifier selected by each airport to use as the reference number for a Candidate throughout their career at the airport. For some airports, this may be the security card number or ASIC number. The Airport ID generally contains both numbers and letters. If this field is left blank AIRDAT will generate a number for you. Please check with your airport to ensure you are using the correct number to register with.

Enter a password for the account. This password must be more than 6 characters and combine both numbers and letters.

Step 2 - Company Details

This is a dynamic field, simply start typing the company's name and a list will appear. If you are creating a new company carefully type your company's name, if your company is not on this list, you may need to add the company. 'Click to add' your company and complete the details requested. 

Step 3 - About you

Enter name, email address, and contact number. The job role is a dynamic field, simply start typing and roles set by the airport and company will appear. These roles will assist in ensuring the correct training is available for the you.

    All done.

How do I know if I've registered on AIRDAT Passport

If your details have been registered on the Passport training management system previously, please avoid creating another profile. 

Check your emails for a Welcome email from AIRDAT, the email will come from ‘’.

If you are already registered on Passport but need your information updating (such as an old airport ID, company name or contact email address), please contact our support desk at and we’ll update your account for you.

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