Impounding fleet items In VISA


Impounding vehicles 
Amending Impound State

Impounding Vehicles

This section will guide you through impounding a vehicle on the VISA App.

To have the ability to change impound settings, you must be an 'Impound Manager', 'Impound Reporter' or 'Superuser'.


Login to your profile via the Visa App and select 'QR Scanner' and then 'Impound Fleet Items'.


Then select 'Add fleet items'.


Then you can either scan the vehicle's QR code or search manually by selecting 'Search for a fleet item'.

Then search for your vehicle(s), select them and click 'Done'. If the vehicle you are looking for does not appear, you can add it by selecting 'Add new fleet item'.

Then check your vehicles are correct. You can also add more vehicles on at this stage by selecting 'Add more fleet items'. Once you are happy with your selection, click 'Continue'

Select the date and time the vehicle should be impounded from and click 'Next'.

Then select the location of the vehicle impound, you can use your phone's current location by turning the 'Use device location' toggle on. Alternatively, select the location on the map and then select 'Next'.

Now select your Impound reason and what state you'd like the vehicle to go into. You can view the fees of the state you are choosing by selecting 'View fees'. Once you are happy click 'Next'.

Finally, you can then upload any images you need to as evidence. Up to 3 images can be uploaded here. Once done, click 'Finish'.

Success, you vehicle has now been impounded. Click 'Finish'.

Amend the state of an Impounded Vehicle

This section will show you how to amend the state of an Impounded vehicle via the VISA App.


Login to your profile via the Visa App and select 'QR Scanner' and then 'Amend Impound State'.

Then select 'Add fleet items'.

Then you can either scan the vehicle's QR code or search manually by selecting 'Search for a fleet item'.

Then search for the vehicle(s) you wish to amend the state on, select them and click 'Done'.

Check your vehicle selection is correct and click 'Continue'. If you need to add more vehicles you can select 'Add more fleet items' or if you need to remove a vehicle you have added you can click the 'X' icon.

Now, select which Impound State the selected vehicle(s) are moving to.

Add any additional charges by selecting the arrow, or if no extra charges are needed click 'Continue'.

Select 'Yes' to confirm the amendments.

The vehicle's Impound state has now been changed! Select 'Finish'.

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