Coach and Minibus Parking applications at Manchester
This guide will walk you through the Coach and Minibus Drop off and Minibus Pick Up for Terminal 3 Only and the Coach Operators Registration.
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Completing a coach or minibus application
Permitting your vehicles
How do I find my permit number?
Completing a Coach or minibus application
To start your application you will need to visit Onboard and log in. If you or your company does not have an account with Onboard, you will need to register first.
If you have not yet registered please see this guide - Register an account in Onboard
No activation email received? Your activation email when registering may go to your spam /junk inbox. Please don't forget to check these inboxes for your activation email.
Company name when registering an account: Please do not select an existing company. If you are Self Employed or a Resident, when registering please enter your full name or something unique and Click to add (your name) as the company.
Once you have logged in to Onboard, select ' Begin a new application'
You will get an option to select which kind of application you require. Please select 'Begin application' on the application you require. Either Coach and Minibus Drop off and Minibus Pick Up for Terminal 3 Only or Coach Operators Registration
You do not have to pay for the application. You only need to pay for the permit.
Once you have selected the application you require you will need to enter the number of permits you require (max 1000) and tick to say you have read the terms and conditions.
Click the 'View' button
For Coach and Minibus Drop off and Minibus Pick Up for Terminal 3 Only your screen will look like this-
For the Coach Operators Registration your screen will look like this-
Once you have entered the amount of permits you require and ticked the terms and conditions you can save and submit the application by clicking the blue circle in the bottom right and 'Submit milestone'
This will then go to the airport to approve. Once approved you will be able to apply for your permit.
Permitting Your Vehicles
Once your application has been accepted, you are ready to add and permit your vehicles. Log in to Onboard and select ' Fleet' on the left-hand toolbar.
Select the plus icon at the bottom right of the screen to add a fleet item.
Select the fleet item type and enter the registration and click ' Search'.
If the system doesn't recognise the fleet ID/registration number, you will need to provide more details. Once you have completed all the answers, click on ' Save and permit'.
You will then need to select the date you require this permit for, complete the below form and click ' Save and permit'.
You will then need to pay for your permit application, fill out the below form and click ' Confirm'.
How do I find my permit number?
Once your permit has been approved, to locate your permit number and click on 'Fleet' on the left hand toolbar.
Then select 'All fleet' and click on your vehicles registration.
Then select Permits and your vehicles permit number will show here, under 'Permit Number'