Fleet Dashboard, Filtering Fleet, Printing a Vehicle Permit and Application Dashboard for Airports

This article will give you an overview of how to navigate the fleet and application dashboard in 'Onboard', filter fleet and how you print off a vehicle permit.

Fleet Dashboard

This section will guide you through how to navigate the 'fleet dashboard'.


Firstly, click on the 'fleet' header at the top of your dashboard.


Administrators will quickly see what needs actioning first in the 'warnings' section, such as 'permits due to expire' or 'vehicles with defects'. To the right of the dashboard is a break down of the 'fleet information' - these are all links that take you straight to what you need to view in more detail.

Filtering Fleet

This section will guide you through how 'Fleet' items can be filtered into different categories.


Once logged in to 'Onboard', select Fleet' at the top of your dashboard.


The Fleet dashboard separates 'Fleet' into several categories: 

Total vehicles/equipment in Fleet

Vehicle permit applications in review

Fleet with vehicle defects

Fleet with valid permits

Fleet with expiring permits

Fleet with expired permits

Fleet impounded

Click on any of these links to be taken straight to a filtered list:


Alternatively, click 'fleet' from the left hand side of your dashboard, then ‘all fleet’, then ‘view all.

Either search for the 'fleet ID', 'licence number', 'company name' or click 'filter'.

'Airport Vehicle Permit Approvers' will be given extra filters - 'permits to review', 'recently approved', 'impounded fleet' and 'defected fleet' - to further narrow the list.


Fleet can be filtered by:



Fleet type (equipment/vehicle)

Permit type (permanent/temporary)


Status (valid permit, awaiting airport approval, not started, not submitted, future permit, ready for re-permit, archived)

Click 'filter results' once you have made your selections and your search will be narrowed accordingly. 

Printing a vehicle permit

This section will give you an overview of how you can print off vehicle permits.


Firstly log into your 'Onboard' account and from the 'dashboard' click on 'fleet' and then 'fleet' again.


Then select ‘All Fleet’ and then either search or click ‘View all’ to see the whole vehicle list. Once you have found the vehicle, click on the 'fleet ID'.


Now select 'permits'.


Then click on 'view' on the permit you wish to print.


Next, select 'print permit' and it will then download onto your device ready for printing.

Application Dashboard for Airports

The Application Dashboard for Airports is available to Airport Administrators responsible for the Airport Application.


Once logged into 'Onboard, the 'Airport Administrator' will quickly see what needs actioning first - 'Applications to review' - and scroll through comments recently asked - 'Recent comments'.


By scrolling down further, you will see the 'Activity log'. From here, the Airport Administrator can see all recent activities (such as signed agreements, submitted and approved milestones/stages).

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