Penalty Schemes - Set up and Management

This article will give you all the tools to set up and manage penalty schemes within your company.  


Add a penalty to a points scheme
Edit/Delete a penalty scheme

Add a penalty to a points scheme

This section will guide you through how to add a penalty to a points scheme.

Airport and Points Administrators may add/edit penalty schemes and penalties.


On the left-hand navigation panel, select 'Airport', then 'Penalty'. 


Then choose 'Add scheme'.


Next, a range of options will need to be filled in carefully: 

  • enter name of the scheme
  • select whether the penalty scheme is for a person or a company
  • any information about the penalty scheme
  • how long you want the penalty to be valid
  • whether there is a monetary fine associated
  • whether a map is required to mark the location of the penalty


Once you have scrolled down and filled in all details, select 'Add Scheme'.


The penalty scheme will now be added to your 'Penalty scheme' dashboard.

Edit\Delete a penalty scheme

This section will guide you through how to edit a penalty scheme as an administrator.


On the left-hand navigation panel, select 'Airport', then 'Penalty'.


Next choose the scheme that the penalty resides in, either 'Personal, 'Company' or the scheme that you have created previously.


Now, scroll down the page to Penalties and by either scrolling or using the search field find the penalty then click either 'edit' or 'delete' and add in details as necessary.


A pop up window will now appear to confirm changes. Select 'Update' changes if editing and 'Confirm changes' if deleting.

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