Add a Recurring Booking

This article will show you how to set up a recurring booking.


Add a Recurring Booking

Add a Recurring Booking


If a course runs regularly, you can now set them up all at once, identically, as a recurring booking.

From your Dashboard, navigate to 'Training' and then 'Courses'.


From here, begin adding a new course by clicking the blue "+" at the bottom right of the screen and then 'Add course'.


Enter the course details as usual, including the name, course type, location and start/end times and dates.

Once you have finished, click "Next".


On this scheduling screen, select "Recurring Booking" to access the scheduling options. If your course is not recurring, you're in the wrong place!


Toggle on 'Recurring booking'. It is now set to reoccur, and the options have expanded as below. 

To set a booking to occur on scheduled days every week or month, leave the "Repeat" option ticked, and choose the recurring period. Do this by choosing the interval period of weeks or months and then choose the days the booking will be available.

You can then click "View Calendar" to see the course dates in calendar form. The recurring bookings end automatically after one year.


Alternatively, you can select "Custom" and manually enter the dates which the course will occur.

Once the dates are selected, hit "Next" and continue creating the booking as normal.

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