Impounding Vehicles In Onboard
Impounding Vehicles
View Impound Records
Amending Impound State
Impounding Vehicles
This section will guide you through the process of adding the fleet items.
To have the ability to change impound settings, you must be an 'Impound Manager', 'Impound Reporter' or 'Superuser'.
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Once logged into 'Onboard', select 'Fleet' from the left hand side toolbar and then select 'Impound'.
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Once you have a vehicle to impound, you can search for it on Onboard by it's Fleet ID or registration. You can search for multiple vehicles and add as many as you like to your group of impounds. If the fleet items you're not impounding are not registered to Onboard, you can add them easily by clicking 'Add new fleet item'.
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You can now review the vehicles you have selected for impounding. You can add defects to any of these vehicles, once complete you'll be brought back to this page. Once you're happy with your impound selection, click 'Next'.
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Select the reason and desired state for the impound. This will be the reason and state for all vehicles in your impound selection. States can be individually amended at any time. Once happy with your selection, click 'Next'.
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Here, you may add evidence for the impounds, evidence uploaded here will be stored on the impound record of each vehicle in the impound selection. Once you have added all of this, please select 'Confirm'.
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Firstly select 'Fleet' on the left hand side and you will see that the vehicles have been added to the 'Impounded fleet' list.
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Selecting an item from the fleet list will show the fleet card. This card shows information about the impound, including date impounded, reason and its current state.
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By selecting 'View record', you will be able to see details of the impound record, as well as a timeline of the states that have been applied and also fees owed or paid throughout the time period.
View Impound Records
This section will guide you through the process of how to view your impounded vehicles.
By selecting 'Fees', you will see a detailed breakdown of charges that are owed. These can be amended at this stage by either creating an 'Additional charge' or applying a 'Discount' where appropriate.
Amending State
There is more than one way you can amend a vehicles impound state; either from your dashboard or the fleet list page.
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You can amend the state of impounded fleet items at any time. You can access this either directly from a fleet item or from the fleet list. To amend states from the fleet list, click 'Fleet' on the left navigation panel and click the 'Impounded Fleet' list tab. This displays all currently impounded fleet items.
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From here, you can search for and select multiple vehicles and amend their states as a group or select a single item and amend their state from the 'Action' dropdown.
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Alternatively, you can also 'Amend state' via the dashboard. Scroll down to 'Impounded Fleet', select 'View' and from here you will also be able to amend the state of an impounded vehicle.
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Make sure the correct vehicle(s) are selected and then choose the state that you want to move your selected fleet items to. Add your reason for impounding these fleet items by either choosing from the existing list of reasons or select 'custom reason'.
Please note that vehicles may automatically progress to the next state if auto-progression has been enabled for.
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Fleet items can be removed from your selection by clicking the red cross next to the fleet ID."
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By selecting the next tab 'Additional charges', you will see a detailed breakdown of charges that are owed. These can be amended at this stage by either creating an 'Additional charge' or applying a 'Discount' where appropriate. These charges can also then be edited or removed at this stage.
Additional charges added to vehicles are done individually.
Once changes have been applied, select 'Confirm'.