This article will help assist navigating around your qualifications page, from how to view certificates to archiving old qualifications.
Where can I find my qualifications?
Where can I find someone elses qualifications?
How do I print an eLearning course I completed?
How do I archive expired qualifications?
Where can I find my qualifications?
Log into your AIRDAT Passport profile and click on your name in the top right hand corner and 'View profile' or you can select 'View your qualifications' in your Dashboard by clicking the plus symbol in the bottom right, adding the 'My qualifications' widget and then View your qualifications. For more guidance on adding new widgets to your dashboard, please visit this help guide - Custom dashboards
Then from the tabs in your profile click on 'Qualifications.'
Where can I find someone elses qualifications?
This can only be done by Company Administrators.
Firstly, log into your AIRDAT Passport profile and click on the 'People' tab on the left hand side and search for the users profile you require and click 'View'.
Then from the tabs in your profile click on 'Qualifications.'
How do I print a certificate from an eLearning course?
This can be done by users in their own profile. Please note that not all courses will generate a certificate.
Log into your AIRDAT Passport profile, head to the qualifications tab in the candidates profile, as shown above, and find the course you require a certificate for. Click 'Action' and then 'Certificate'.
Click the 'Generate' button and a copy of the certificate will be saved to your device.
How do I archive expired qualifications
Log into your AIRDAT Passport profile, head to the qualifications tab in the candidates profile, as shown above, and find the course you require archiving. Click 'Action' and then 'Archive'.
Enter a reason for archiving the qualification and select 'OK'