Dashboards including multi-dashboards

This article explains how Passport users can customise their dashboard including multi-dashboards to help oversee a variety of tasks. The dashboard is a configurable space, allowing you to manage and monitor important information depending on your role at the airport.


Dashboard Configuration and Notifications
Tidy up dashboard
Editing dashboard & Adding Widgets

Dashboard Configuration and Notifications

This section will guide you through how to view your dashboards and notifications.


To view your dashboard, click the ‘Dashboard’ button on the left-hand navigation bar. 


The Notifications widget will appear at the top of your dashboard if you have important actions to take. For example, if you are a Trainer required to review documents or a Company Administrator required to review company transfer requests for new employees. Click ‘Resolve’ to scroll to the associated widget and to take action. 


The Notifications widget will also appear if you or your staff have had documents rejected, allowing candidates to quickly rebook their training and upload the corrected documents required for their course.


This section will guide you through how to add multi-dashboards.


You can also now add multi dashboard widgets to your own dashboard by selecting 'Add dashboard'


From here, a new widget will be added that you will be able to edit. By selecting the 'Add tab', you can now scroll and search for your category and this will then be added to your dashboard. 

Widgets are categorised by task (i.e., training, admin, enrolments, etc.) with colour-coded tags.


To search for a widget, use the search bar at the top of the side-panel. Or you can use the Filter to select a category your task relates to. Click to quick-add the widget to the bottom of your dashboard, or drag the widget into place.


You can add multiple dashboards from here and customise your dashboard space, simply repeat the stages above and select 'Add dashboard' and then select the 'Add' symbol.


This process can be repeated multiple times as required and you will then be able to switch between widgets for quick access.

Tidy up dashboard

This section will guide you through how to tidy up your dashboard.


If you have lots of widgets on your dashboard, the ‘Tidy up dashboard’ button (in the side-panel) can improve its layout. Alternatively, you can drag individual widgets around your dashboard.

Editing dashboard & Adding Widgets

This section will guide you through how to edit, delete and move widgets on your dashboard.


Once you have added a widget to your dashboard, click the three dots in the top-right corner of an editable widget and select 'Edit dashboard'. To customise your dashboard, you can change the name of some widgets this way too. 


To delete a widget, again select the three dots in the top-right corner of an editable widget and select 'Remove dashboard'.  Alternatively, you can select the 'X' on the dashboard and delete it from there.


To move a widget around your dashboard, click on it to drag it into the position required.

If you have additional permissions in Passport, you may have access to more widgets, allowing you to monitor and manage your company, training, or airport more efficiently.

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