Assessment and Job Role Skills Reports

In this article, you will be given guidance on how to add Assessments to a job role, which is a quick way to ensure candidates are meeting the requirements of their role.  You will also find information how to run reports based on job roles and assessments.


Add Assessment to a Job Role
Run a report based on Job Role
How to run a report based on Assessments

Add Assessment to a Job Role

This section will guide you through how you can add assessments to a job role.


From the Passport Dashboard, select the 'Company' button in the vertical, left-hand toolbar.

Next, select 'Skills'.


Scroll or search for the job role you wish to edit. Click on the job role, and then click the 'Edit role' button.  The filter button is also useful for narrowing your search options.


From the Skills field, search and select assessments which are required for the job role you are editing. Once added, click the 'Save' button in the bottom-right corner.


If there are time-based requirements to the role you are editing, add the time-based skill and define the number of hours the candidate is required to dedicate to it and again click 'Save'.

Run a report based on Job Role

This section will guide you through how an Airport Administrator or Company Administrator may run a report based on a candidates job role.


Firstly from your main dashboard navigate to 'Reports'.


Next, select 'Skills'.


Next choose 'Job Roles'. 

If you are an Airport Admin you will be able to search which company you'd like to run a report for.  Company names will appear once you click and start typing into the box highlighted below.


Scroll down, fill in any additional report options and choose the status. By clicking on the 'Status' box, you will be given a range of options.


Finally, once all details have been selected, click 'Generate report' and you will then be given a choice of viewing your report either in 'Microsoft excel' or 'On Screen'.

How to run a report based on Assessments

This section will guide you through how an Airport Administrator or Company Administrator may run report based on assessments.


Firstly from your main dashboard navigate to 'Reports'.


Next, select 'Skills'.


From here, choose 'Assessments'. 

If you are an Airport Admin, you will be able to search which company you'd like to run a report for.  Company names will appear once you click and start typing into the highlighted box below.


Scroll down, fill in any additional report options and choose the status. By clicking on the 'Status' box, you will be given a range of options.


Finally, once all details have been selected, click 'Generate report' and you will then be given a choice of viewing your report either in 'Microsoft excel' or 'On Screen'.

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