Merge duplicate profiles

In this article. you will be shown how you can as merge profiles if your candidate has duplicate accounts.


Merge Duplicate Profiles

Merge Duplicate Profiles

This section will guide you through how, as a superuser, you can merge two or more profiles if the candidate has duplicate accounts.


Firstly, login to your dashboard and click on 'people', on the left hand side toolbar.


Next, type into the search bar and search for the profile that you wish to keep as the main profile and select 'view'.


Now select the blue 'Action' tab and then select 'Edit details'


Select 'Credentials' and then scroll down to 'Merge profiles' and select this.


Next, enter the airport IDs of the user/s you wish to merge into this profile. If you wish to search for archived profiles you can toggle the 'Include archived users in search' button.


As you select users they will appear underneath in a section 'Users included in the merge'. If more than one profile has a profile picture, you can toggle the account with the profile picture you would like to keep. Check the details carefully and click 'Merge' to complete the merge.

You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to complete the merge.

Finally, you will be taken back to the dashboard, once the merge has been completed.

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