Passport Clean up tool

About the Clean up tool

To get ready for upcoming changes to your AIRDAT account, we must ensure that all users have a unique email address as they will soon use their email address to log in to all systems. This tool will let you update your users' email addresses that are not unique in the system. The clean up tool is now available on Passport to assist your company in getting ready for these changes.

If you are a company administrator for your company, when you log in, instead of being taken straight to your profile, you will be shown the below screen.

Initially - you will be able to dismiss the clean up tool and have access to Passport as normal. Once the clean up tool is enforced, you will no longer have the option to dismiss it without updating the email addresses of users that are on the list.

Companies will be given ample time to update their users' email addresses. The enforcement date may vary depending on your airport, for more information please contact support.

Each individual user will also have the opportunity to update their own email address. If their email address is not unique, the user will be asked to provide and confirm a new email address once they log in to their Passport profile.

Here you will see the list of users in your company that have non-unique email addresses. In this list you will be shown the following information about your users:

  • User's name and airport ID
  • Last time they logged in
  • A field to enter their new email address
  • An 'Action' button where you will be able to send the confirmation email or delete the user if they no longer work for your company.

Once you have entered an updated email address to a user, click on the 'Action' button and select 'Send confirmation', this sends the confirmation email to the user. You will see the help text below the box where you entered the new email address update to “Pending email confirmation from [new email address]". The user can now go into their inbox and confirm their new email address.

If the user does not confirm their new email address before the confirmation email expires, the email field will turn red. The help text will let you know that the email confirmation has expired and that you need to resend the email to them.

Once the user successfully confirms their email address, the user will be removed from the list and their email address will be updated in their profile.

Bulk update emails/delete users

You can bulk update multiple users' email addresses by using the ‘Bulk format emails’ feature. You can select the users (maximum 50 selected users) by clicking on the box next to their names and selecting ‘Bulk format emails’ at the top of your screen.

This will open a modal where you can set the format for the new email addresses for the selected users. Once you have entered your criteria, you can then either 'Update' the emails which will not send the confirmation to the user but update their email on the list, or 'Update and send emails' which will update their email on the list and send the confirmation email to the user.

You can also bulk delete any users who are no longer employed by clicking on the boxes to the left of their names and selecting 'Delete users' at the top.

Please note - users can set up a free email on Outlook or Google Mail - It is best practice to get them set up and ready for system changes as during this process, email addresses need to be validated to create an account.

Google, Outlook, Yahoo and other webmail providers allow you to set up free accounts so your users do not need to use their personal accounts.

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