AIRDAT support for Internet Explorer 11 Ending

AIRDAT support for Internet Explorer 11 Ending

Internet Explorer 11 - End of Life Date: August 1st 2020

Internet Explorer is an older generation browser from Microsoft. Edge has been the latest Microsoft browser since 2015. Internet Explorer 11, the last version of Internet Explorer, has been in ‘maintenance’ mode for AIRDAT usage for 3 years. No versions of Internet Explorer prior to 11 are currently supported by AIRDAT. See AIRDAT Browser Support for more information on the browsers we support. 

Why make this decision?

AIRDAT is committed to innovation and creating products that enable inspired experiences. Internet Explorer is a legacy technology that Microsoft is no longer developing and is holding us back from offering you the best solutions. Internet Explorer is used by a very small number of AIRDAT users, however, it slows down AIRDAT’s ability to release new features and improve existing features. Users accessing AIRDAT with Internet Explorer have a degraded experience, in terms of performance, accessibility, and security. For the best user experience, AIRDAT recommends Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge for optimal user experience with AIRDAT.

What is the impact and transition plan?

Even though Internet Explorer users make up a very small overall percentage of AIRDAT users, we recognize that this change might be significant for some organizations. Hence, we are providing a 5-month period for the change.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I prepare for this change ahead of time?

Yes, you should prepare by ensuring your users understand this change is coming. Additionally, if there are computers managed by your IT department, such as employee computers or computer labs, these should be evaluated to ensure they have up to date browsers and are not using Internet Explorer 11 as their default. For distributed sites, multiple IT departments may need to be coordinated so communication as early as possible is recommended.

2. Are any other browsers affected?

No, Internet Explorer is the only browser affected by this End of Life. All versions of Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access AIRDAT.

3. Why isn’t Internet Explorer 11 recommended?

Internet Explorer is an older technology that is not being updated by Microsoft except for severe issues. Microsoft has stated that Internet Explorer 11 should only be used for compatibility and not as a user’s main browser. Internet Explorer 11 has several major issues such as a demonstrable impact on page load performance, lack of support for the latest accessibility features, and is responsible for many of the top exploitable security vulnerabilities.

4. I'm experiencing a problem using AIRDAT with Internet Explorer 11, will it be fixed?

Critical Bugs related to Internet Explorer 11 usage will continue to be fixed until the August 2020 release. Starting with the August 2020 release no further Internet Explorer 11 bugs will be corrected and existing bugs will be closed as No Plan to Fix.

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