How to Book GSAT - General Security Awareness Training

This guide will run you through everything you need to get started with AIRDAT for your GSAT

Choose your Airport

You'll be using 'Passport', our 'Training Management System' to book and launch your 'GSAT' course. This section will get you registered to 'Passport' for your airport. 


From the main page on click the red 'Login/register' button at the top right of the page.


From here you can see a list of our partnered airports. Select your airport from the list, this will take you to your Airport's Passport system. You'll be able to register, log in, book and launch your GSAT course from here. 

If you airport was listed here please skip to:


If your airport is not listed here, don't worry! Choose 'Access GSAT Training' instead.


Next you need to select your airport, type into the field and select your airport from the drop-down menu. 


Once you have selected your airport you can register, login, book and launch your 'GSAT' training. Please follow these guides to help you through each step.

Book Your GSAT

The next steps are registering and logging in, booking and launching your GSAT e-Learning. We have separate articles to help you all the way through to completion.

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